Review: Stuffed Warmies and how they can help Autistic Adults self Regulate and manage anxiety
I found a great comfort item that helps me when I feel extremely anxious. Allow me to introduce Waggles, he is a warmie I found on Amazon.
I found a great comfort item that helps me when I feel extremely anxious. Allow me to introduce Waggles, he is a warmie I found on Amazon.
As Autistic adults it is very important to know how to self-regulate to manage stress, anxiety, and sensory overload that can disrupt our emotional regulation that can lead to meltdowns, shutdowns and more
This book is a must read, a primer, and for want of a better phrase, the bible that every Autistic adult, regardless of if or when they were diagnosed, to start understanding (or better understand) what Autism is and the challenges Autistic endure. One of the first things I did …
If you talk to yourself as an autistic adult, do not feel ashamed or alone. for us autistics, it is considered common to engage in talking to ourselves aka self-talk. What is self-talk? For autistic adults, “self-talk” refers to the act of talking to OURSELVES, either silently or aloud. Self talk …
Join us live on YouTube Thanksgiving at 7pm CT Click “Watch on YouTube” to join the chat conversation. Join me Thanksgiving night, November 28th, at 7 pm CT for a 1-hour break from sensory issues including family, smells, tastes, sound, sight, being in an unfamiliar place, your routine being disrupted, …