How to survive the holidays as an Autistic adult.
There are strategies that can help Autistic adults with the stress, heightened anxiety and difficulty managing the festivities of Thanksgiving, Christmas and other holidays.
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There are strategies that can help Autistic adults with the stress, heightened anxiety and difficulty managing the festivities of Thanksgiving, Christmas and other holidays.
According to research, individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often report having fewer friends, lower quality friendships, and struggle to maintain reciprocal friendships compared to neurotypical individuals,
The right weighted blanket can provide many benefits for Autistic adults
I found a great comfort item that helps me when I feel extremely anxious. Allow me to introduce Waggles, he is a warmie I found on Amazon.
As Autistic adults it is very important to know how to self-regulate to manage stress, anxiety, and sensory overload that can disrupt our emotional regulation that can lead to meltdowns, shutdowns and more