Why Do Autistic Adults Fear Talking to Strangers.
Discover why Autistics fear talking to strangers and what we can do to overcome the fear.
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Discover why Autistics fear talking to strangers and what we can do to overcome the fear.
There are strategies that can help Autistic adults with the stress, heightened anxiety and difficulty managing the festivities of Thanksgiving, Christmas and other holidays.
According to research, autistics are significantly more likely to experience feelings of loneliness compared to Allistics. Studies suggest that we Autistics are up to 4 times more likely to feel lonely compared to Ballistics. This indicates that there are many Autistics reporting feelings of loneliness.
According to research, individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often report having fewer friends, lower quality friendships, and struggle to maintain reciprocal friendships compared to neurotypical individuals,
There has been a debate in both the disabled and Autistic community for years, it focuses on how a person prefers to self-identity and that boils down to the choice of person-first language vs. identity first language.